Friday, August 19, 2011


I know I said the museum was not accepting specimens due to my impending departure, but it turns out the lifestyle I've designed for myself as a hunter is too deep in my blood to obey the bureaucracy.  I broke the code; I captured a handful of dflies since I wrote about the moratorium.  I'm sorry but I will not apologize for this.

In the post describing the stoppage of specimen acquisition I forgot to mention a caveat stating "rare and unprecedented specimens will be admitted."  This was a standard clause I asked my lawyers to tell me to put in the blog even though I didn't intend to use it (I figured I'd be too busy getting ready for the move to hunt).  However, I have admitted multiple specimens and not all the specimens I have recently brought to the museum have fallen under either exceptional category.  Another dictum of recalcitrance...

I write today because I could not hold back after seeing one of the most visibly magnificent (not the most dexterous fliers) dragonflies in northeast Tarrant County, Celithemis eponina (Halloween Pennant).  I spotted the Halloween Pennants a few days ago and admired them from a distance, feeling inner peace permeate my body as I let my eyes follow the colorful wings of such a marvelous creature.  Potential specimens were perched on the highest tips of nearby trees, eluding my powerful, MASCULINE grasp.  Well today...the tables flipped...and below you can see the result of a table flipping:

A juvenile female Celithemis eponina (Halloween Pennant) perching in an acrylic case in the museum.

Specimens admitted since May 18th (date of blog describing inadmittance policy) include a juvenile female Celithemis eponina (Halloween Pennant), a juvenile male Perithemis tenera (Eastern Amberwing), a juvenile male Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher) and a juvenile male Gomphus vastus (Cobra Clubtail).  Not to pretend to be modest or anything, but there have been a plethora of other dragonflies I have captured but restrained myself from bringing back to the museum.

A juvenile male Gomphus vastus (Cobra Clubtail)...hunter or whatever becoming the hunted or whatever.

Well, this blog entry was supposed to be published months ago but somehow I moved to China and forgot to pack it.  Anyway, here it is so please enjoy.  I will update soon with some real-life Chinese dragonflies...and no...their eyes aren't slanted....

See you lil dragonfly enthusiasts or my close friends (who are obligated to read this blog) later.

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